Jilinda Lee

Board Member

Jilinda is a lifelong advocate for gender equality, continuously speaking up for equal choices, chances, and opportunities for women in their careers, and equal partnerships in their homes.

She is Founder and Chair of Elevate HER Australia, a national member-based social enterprise focused on enabling women across all sectors to rise up and revolutionise leadership roles, through providing peer circle support, networking opportunities, educational programs, and advocacy initiatives. She is also Network Leader of Lean In Queensland, a state-wide licensed network of the Lean In global foundation and leads the National Circle Leaders Alliance -Australia program. Jilinda has worked on gender equality initiatives with BPW Australia, ALGWA, UNWomen, IWD, and Queensland local and state governments. She enjoys collaboration and believes in the power of collectivism.

Throughout 30+ years leadership experience encompassing business ownership, government leadership roles, leadership consulting and executive coaching, company director roles and board positions, Jilinda has built a reputation as a disruptor of unsound practices, status quo challenger, and change champion. Her high-energy is fuelled and fired up when combining two core drivers – contemporary leadership practices and diversity at decision-making tables. She is a published author, speaker, creator and facilitator of bespoke women in leadership programs.

Jilinda holds a Master of Management – MMgt from University of Southern Queensland, majoring in HRM and Leadership, is a Chartered Manager – CMgr, has attained behavioural science and coaching accreditations, and is an avid researcher of global best practice in courageous, compassionate, legacy-focused leadership.