Policy & Advocacy

AGEC plays a key role in advocating for gender equality through public advocacy and policy development in each of the key areas critical to women achieving gender equality in all aspects of work and life.

Budget & Election News

January 2024 – AGEC 2024 – 2025 Pre Budget Submission

AGEC has once again presented to government a comprehensive FY24-25 Pre Budget submission renewing calls for a National Gender Equality Strategy including $50m for long-term initiatives to identify and eliminate entrenched gender stereotypes, the root causes of so...

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Policy Position Statements

A National Strategy on Gender Equality

Australia has never had a national strategy on gender equality – one which comprehensively identifies and seeks to address all aspects of gender inequality as set out in AGEC’s Gender Equality Manifesto.

Only when a comprehensive National Strategy is established by Government in collaboration with business and the broader community will Australia accelerate its pathway to achieving gender equality.  Without a co-ordinated and integrated strategy, well-intended efforts to achieve gender equality will increasingly become hit and miss, and continue to focus only on addressing symptoms not the underlying root causes of inequality. 

AGEC’s 25-26 Pre budget Submission outlines what a National Strategy would encompass. 


AGEC calls for Decisive Action to end Sexual Harassment

The Australian Gender Equality Council believes all people must be respected and be safe from the threat of violence and sexual harassment. We call upon the Prime Minister, National Cabinet and every elected Member of Parliament to act against gendered violence in the Parliamentary workplace as an example to every Australian workplace. All 55 recommendations of the Sex Discrimination Commissioner’s 2020 Report must be implemented as a top priority, and the government must ratify the International Convention on eliminating violence and harassment at work. #ItsTime

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Reviews & Submissions

Media Releases