economic Security4Women
eS4W advocates for change to policies which continue to impact negatively on equality for women and their ongoing economic security.
The role of eS4W is to:
- bring together women’s organisations and individuals from across Australia to share information, identify barriers to women’s economic security and to identify solutions by prioritising the key issues for action to bring about change
- engage actively with the Australian Government on policy issues as part of a better more informed and representative dialogue between women and government.
eS4W is a national women’s alliance, funded by the Australian Government through the Office for Women in the Commonwealth Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. As a National Women’s Alliance we take a lead in ensuring that the voices of as many women as possible are heard, especially those who in the past have found it difficult to engage in advocacy and decision making.
Membership is open to any organisation that:
- has a primary interest in women and women’s issues
- has a national focus
- supports the principles and objectives of eS4W
eS4W has 27 member organisations representing over one million women and 11 Partner Organisations representing over 100 thousand women
Our membership can be viewed at