Workplace Flexibility

All workplaces must provide and support flexible work arrangements accessed equally, regardless of gender.


  1. Workplaces that provide flexible options for how and where work can be performed, balancing the needs of the business, individual and team, are the norm.
  2. Flexibility in the workplace is not limited to work-from-home options; it also encompasses elements that aid employees in performing their duties, such as subsidised childcare, parental leave, and assistance with caring and household activities.
  3. Opportunities for job share and part-time work are available in management and leadership positions.
  4. People can access flexible work arrangements equitably.
  5. Based on full-time equivalence, there is no discrimination against employees who work flexibly, particularly in regard to promotion and development.


  1. Incentivise groups that presently do not access flexible work arrangements to do so.
  2. Adopt workforce organisation design and technology to facilitate flexible and hybrid work.
  3. Introduce legislation and adopt policies that normalise flexible working.
  4. Design supporting systems and legislation that support the success of Hybrid work models appropriate for different sectors and jobs.
  5. Build flexibility into enterprise agreements and awards to enable split shifts, job share, and flexible rostering in 24/7 environments.
  6. Invest in promoting the expectation of flexible workforce options across all industries and government agencies.
  7. Work with industry and public service to ensure policies are in place to support true workplace flexibility, legislating where necessary.
  8. Systems are designed with due consideration given to flexible hours and spans of work (4-day work weeks, job share, flexible hours) e.g. budgets allocated on a full-time equivalent basis rather than physical headcounts.