Safety & Respect at Work
All people must be respected and be safe from any threat or action of gender-based violence, bias, bullying, sexual assault, and sexual harassment in the workplace.
- People always feel respected and safe at work, and psychological safety is prioritised like physical safety.
- Everyone can express their gender at work without fear of discrimination or ridicule.
- People feel empowered and safe in reporting incidents to their workplace or relevant authorities, and appropriate support is available.
- Employees are educated and empowered to call out psychologically hazardous behaviours before they escalate or lead to inappropriate workplace behaviours.
- Workplaces are resourced to educate all employees, contractors, and third parties about acceptable and non-acceptable workplace behaviour.
- Gender-based violence and inappropriate behaviour are identified as significant safety issues and built into workplace safety management systems.
- Safety management controls are implemented to prevent sexual harassment and incidents reported.
- Workplaces are required and supported to implement empathic well-being programs supporting the psychological safety of all employees.
- Non-disclosure agreements can only be used at the victim’s request.
- Reporting and investigative processes are victims centred by design. Ensuring a trauma and culturally informed response.
- HR departments are reviewed, and policies are changed to ensure they act impartially and not for the employer.
- External support for incident response is enlisted as required by organisations without relevant internal resources.
- Safety equipment, uniforms, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are adequately designed and appropriately sourced and supplied to meet the needs of people of all genders and diversity.
- Track progress for all 55 Australian Human Rights Commission’s Respect@Work: Sexual Harassment and National Inquiry Report (2020) recommendations being implemented and follow up for the next steps.
- Invest in programs to eliminate gender stereotypes and promote Respect for women and girls.