Safety & Respect in Family and Community

All people must be respected and be safe from any threat or action of family and domestic violence, sexual assault, coercive control, and sexual harassment in the household, family, and community environment.
  1. People feel respected and safe at home and everywhere in their families, communities, and Australian society.
  2. Everyone can express their gender however they wish without fear of discrimination or ridicule.
  3. No gender should suffer disproportionately from partner abuse.
  4. Victims of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and family and domestic violence feel empowered and safe in reporting their allegations to relevant authorities, appropriate action is taken, and support is provided.
  5. Short-term, culturally sensitive, trauma-informed, and responsive support is available to all women and children in need.
  6. Financial Institutions and Superannuation funds have controls to identify and protect against financial abuse and coercive power.


  1. A National Action Plan for preventing violence against women and girls includes targets, an outcomes framework, and critical focus areas upon which the plan can be operationalised with an aligned consultation, execution, and communications plan/s.
  2. The intersectional complexity of family and domestic violence is addressed in consultation with representative groups and separate action plans developed as required. For example: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family and Domestic Violence Plan
  3. Coercive control legislation to be adopted in every State.
  4. Material increases in investment for services and programs that support victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and harassment to ensure the outcomes of the National Plan are achievable.
  5. Free access to resources to flee violent relationships.
  6. Safe respite housing and accommodations are available for those who need them when fleeing dangerous or violent situations.
  7. Victims of family and domestic violence are given every opportunity to remain in their homes – alleged perpetrators are removed from the family home until a resolution is achieved.
  8. Perpetrator programs are to be well researched and measured for their effectiveness – having to report upon their results to obtain continued funding.
  9. Publicly funded education and awareness campaigns that are culturally inclusive and communicate shared Australian societal expectations regarding safety and Respect in the home, family, and community environment.
  10. Government agency employees and contractors must be trained in person-centred, trauma-informed, culturally sensitive customer service behaviour.
  11. Medical and emergency response personnel must be trained in person-centred, trauma-informed, and culturally sensitive customer service.
  12. Post reforms analysis/review of family courts, highlighting best practices, lessons learned and recommendations for further restructuring.
  13. Violence, harassment, and abuse are punished more severely and uniformly nationwide.
  14. Provision of education in schools and community organisations to empower people to identify and call out disrespectful behaviours before they become abused.
  15. Primary, secondary, and tertiary education programs include respectful relationships and behaviour units—long-term programs to eliminate gender stereotypes and promote Respect for women and girls.