All genders must have equal access to all levels of education to ensure equitable outcomes.
- Equitable access for ALL women to education, particularly for those in rural, regional, and remote Australia or from Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (CALD) and migrant backgrounds.
- Systemic barriers to education for women, such as lack of transport, childcare, digital connectivity options, and disability access/support, no longer exist.
- Equal gender representation is required in all primary, secondary, tertiary, and vocational education classes, courses, and fields.
- Gender bias is eliminated from all National School Curricula.
- STEM1 and STEAM1 opportunities are promoted in primary school and early childhood learning to shift entrenched gender biases in the career preferences of boys and girls.
- All subjects offered by primary and secondary schools must be undertaken equally, regardless of gender.
- Curricula must represent the achievements of all genders.
- All students, regardless of gender, CALD status, or disability, can participate equally in all extracurricular activities (sports, household chores, leadership).
- Career mapping and early career counselling to promote non-traditional gender roles in the workplace.
- All schools offer non-gendered uniform options.
- Intake targets for disciplines and subjects dominated by one gender to achieve gender balance.
- Primary and secondary curriculums have mandatory diversity and inclusion education for students and parents.
- Educate the educators on industry opportunities and gender, career guidance interventions for early childhood educators and primary school teachers – especially in non-traditional women industries.
- Launching a national media campaign to engage families in a dialogue about careers, stereotypes, and parental participation.
- Universal access and appropriate equitable funding for all areas of society
- Inclusion of Civics, Science, arts, and history in curricula emphasising women’s leadership and empowerment.
- Continuation of STEAM curriculum development and Inclusion of Civics, emphasising future career opportunities for women and girls to explicitly address gender bias issues in the National School Curriculum
- A review of each State’s curriculum to identify opportunities for gender mainstreaming and elimination of bias.
- Education around consent, sexual harassment, sexuality, reproductive rights, sexual health, period education, and products
- Better digital connectivity for RRR women. Funding an education program in schools and universities which encourages and empowers girls and young women to consider leadership positions in public and all walks of life.
- Remove barriers to education, including more childcare places to enable participation, training, and education.
- Women’s leadership and empowerment are included in science, arts, and history curricula.