The definitive Report on how to implement gender equality in the workplace sets out the findings of a comprehensive study led by AGEC CEO, Dr Terry Fitzsimmons and Director of UQ’s AIBE Centre for Gender Equality in the Workplace, together with Dr Miriam Yates and Professor Victor Callan of the Centre. The ground-breaking report demonstrates clearly that the strategies, policies and practices of WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality organisations are reaching gender equality faster than other Australian organisations. The 2019 study undertook in-depth quantitative and qualitative analysis of 5 years of WGEA reporting and employer of choice data. The Report sets out 12 key elements of leading workplace practice in gender equality, which all organisations should use as the best practice standard of gender equality practice. The study confirms AGEC’s view that transparent and comparable performance reporting on gender equality is a key driver of improvement. It also identifies the multi-faceted nature of gender inequality and that effective solutions will only be achieved through leadership, business focus and an integrated and reflexive approach. AGEC challenges all businesses to read the Report and assess how they measure up to the best practice standard.