On the 24th & 25th November, 2015 30 delegates from leading national organisations and national bodies representing women in various industry sectors were invited by the University of Queensland to participate in a two-day workshop to discuss the formation of a national body to progress the issue of gender equality in Australia.

The workshop tackled several issues including:

  1. Defining the problem
  2. Identifying the main drivers of gender inequality
  3. Identifying the main perpetrators/promulgators of gender inequality
  4. Identifying frameworks, structures or institutions which act as enablers in perpetuating the problem
  5. Identifying potential solutions to the problem

The workshop addressed the issue of whether a national body representing the issue of gender inequality in Australia could provide further value in solving the issue of gender inequality beyond existing organisations. Workshop participants agreed that such a body could provide a voice that is currently not available to women if:

  1. that body was truly independent from Government and the Corporate Sector
  2. it represented and had as its members, only peak not for profit bodies representing the interests of women in the workplace
  3. it was a grass roots organisation whose funding was derived predominantly from individuals who believed in addressing the issue of gender inequality
  4. it focused on addressing the causes of gender inequality rather than its symptoms
  5. all initiatives undertaken by the organisation were underpinned by empirically based research.

The workshop concluded by unanimously supporting the formation of such a national body and agreed to the formation of a working group to progress the idea of the national body.

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