Want to know about an upcoming gender equality event near you? Or how to get involved with one of our Member Organisations?
AGEC has developed an easy to use Event Calendar for our Members and Subscribers that tells you everything you need to know about –
It even tells you how to get there! Click here to see the calendar
If you’re a Member Organization, your login will allow you to log your event details and a link to your own website or event portal. Click here to add a new event.
AGEC 2021 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Australian Gender Equality Council will be held on Thursday 25th November 2021 at 1pm and will be accessible virtually via Zoom. Representatives from AGEC Member Organisations are invited to attend. The AGM will hear from the Chair and CEO on AGEC activities for the year just past, and AGEC’s plans for the coming year. The annual Director Elections are held at the AGM. Full details of the meeting and registration procedures will be provided in the Notice of Meeting emailed to Members on 4th November 2021.
We are pleased to invite you to connect with colleagues at our Alliance TeachMeet event in Adelaide, kindly hosted by St Peter’s Girls’ School
TeachMeets are informal, collaborative experiences organised by educators, for educators, in order to share ideas and experiences of ongoing activities in their school.
The event will consist of a mixture of 7 minute ‘micro’ and 2 minute ‘nano’ presentations on a theme of your choice. We invite each school to present one micro and one nano presentation.
Schools may choose ONE presentation option, either a micro OR a nano. The presenter may be anyone from the school and additional staff from each school are invited to participate in the event.
This event is only open to member schools and a light afternoon tea will be provided.
Tickets will be available soon.