On the 16th June 2017, the workshop group of leading national bodies representing women in the workplace reconvened to consider the structure of a National Body and its mission, vision and objectives. The workshop unanimously agreed to the form this national body would take. The vision, mission and objectives were also agreed to be:

 “We are an independent national voice for gender equality formed from a broad-based collaboration of National industry and member-based organisations.” – Who we are

 “We will achieve gender equality in Australia.” – Vision

 “We will drive a cultural shift in Australia so that women and men have the same rights and opportunities across all sectors of the community, including economic participation and decision-making, and when the different behaviours, aspirations and needs of women and men are equally valued and respected.” – Mission


  1. Act as an authoritative and independent voice for gender equality in Australia
  2. Advocate for and raise awareness of gender equality in Australia
  3. Develop research driven policy in the area of gender equality in Australia
  4. Raise awareness of the impact upon gender equality of policy and legislation

These objectives would initially focus on paid and unpaid work.

 The workshop concluded by asking the working group to constitute the Australian Gender Equality Council Limited, to form its inaugural board of directors and to undertake its registration as a charity with the ACNC.

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